Official Blogspot Of 'B'

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12:48 PM

B'Shift Defensive Driving Course

Posted by buii™ |

On 8th and 9th of October 2009, nine of B'shift members led by Osli Othman attended Defensive Driving course at Megamas Training Center. The training is conducted to fulfil one of the requirements for BLNG employees to drive company vehicles for work purposes.
Here is Erih posing with the trainer, who, unmistakenly looks like Saidon, and after further enquiry, the trainer comes from Kg Penapar..

Here, another trainer, Buddy, showing us one of the normal, but wrong way to hold our steering wheel.The trainer explaining in more details to Yuzrin and Erih each parts inside the cabin of the car.

One of the scenario was to demonstrate the difference of braking using car fitted with ABS and normal brakes.

Rawi showing off his hard earn defensive driving certificate..

Ainool can't believe Victor pass the course, who can blame Ainool??

